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Parcel Logistics

Efficient Drive Technology for Conveyor Systems

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES

With its tailor-made drive solutions, Nord Drivesystems supports operators of parcel distribution centres in increasing the energy efficiency of their conveyor systems and thus in reducing their CO2 emissions.

A maximum load of 35 kg per metre is considered a realistic default value for most parcel distribution centres. However, what performance does a drive system has to deliver to cope with this maximum load in the long term? This question is a source of concern to logistics providers when it comes to the construction of new plants or the modernisation of existing ones. There is no easy answer to this question as it is not only about delivering performance but also about considering further factors such as operational reliability, Total Cost of Ownership and energy efficiency. Special focus is placed on efficiency here. Energy-efficient drive technology does not only help to save costs; every reduction of energy consumption also means a reduction of CO2 emissions.

Nord’s industry experts advise customers on these questions. Together with the customer, they configure tailor-made drive solutions from the Nord modular system, which meet the requirements listed above. The high-efficiency IE5 synchronous motor forms the basis of many drive solutions and even exceeds the highest standardised efficiency class IE5. It is provided a stand-alone motor and as an integrated system solution. In the DuoDrive geared motor, the motor is integrated into a bevel gear unit and thus adds energy saving, reduced interfacing and installation space. In the LogiDrive drive system, the configuration is completed by a decentralised frequency inverter to reduce any wiring effort.

Source: Nord Drivesystems

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