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Process Industry

Process Industry


Eggersmann Recyclingtechnik

New Products and Concepts

Eggersmann had announced the presentation of various innovative solutions and new products in its portfolio. The focus will be on digitalization, biomass treatment and plastics processing.


Financial Year

KSB closed the 2023 financial year with record figures for order intake and sales revenue. The EBIT margin (earnings before finance income / expense and income tax) of 7.9 % reached the level originally targeted for 2025.

Process Design

New Head

H2O from Steinen in Baden is delighted to have a new Head of Process Design: Fabian Argast, Master of Science in Chemistry, took over as Head of Application Technology in February 2024 – and is now looking for people to join his team.


Two New Subsidiaries

The demand for innovative measurement technology for industry is also increasing in Scandinavia. With the new subsidiaries in Denmark and Sweden, which will open in spring 2024, Vega is actively responding to this development and moving even closer to customers with its modern level and pressure measurement technology.



Impetus for Water Treatment

ProMinent will exhibit at IFAT. The world’s leading trade fair for water, sewage, waste and raw materials management will take place in Munich from 13 to 17 May 2024, offering the ideal platform for presenting the latest trends in the industry. This time around, ProMinent will focus on waste water and potable water treatment.


Meeting Customer Wishes and Tackling Challenges

Eco-Friendly Packaging

Theegarten-Pactec is constantly developing its high-speed packaging machines to enable producers and brand manufacturers to process sustainable packaging materials for confectionery and non-food items on an industrial scale.

