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Eggersmann Recyclingtechnik

New Products and Concepts

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES
Eggersmann had announced the presentation of various innovative solutions and new products in its portfolio. The focus will be on digitalization

With plant engineering, mobile and stationary machines and waste-to-energy concepts, Eggersmann is one of the largest full-service providers in the recycling industry. While the recycling division of the Eggersmann Group, summarized under the term “Eggersmann Recyclingtechnik”, has long attracted attention through the strategic expansion of its service portfolio to include new companies and brands, the focus in recent years has increasingly been on deepening the already broad range of services. Eggersmann had announced the presentation of various innovative solutions and new products in its portfolio for IFAT Munich 2024. The focus will be on digitalization, biomass treatment and plastics processing.

Rollout of a new Digital Standard

Eggersmann is planning the nationwide rollout of a new app, which offers a new digital platform for all Eggersmann customers. It brings together numerous digital applications in one app and has already been available to some pilot customers in the plant and mobile sectors for some time.

Existing solutions, such as the Eggersmann Telematic remote maintenance system, have been fundamentally revised so that a new monitoring solution is provided based on previous experience, which can combine machine and operating data. The solution automatically detects inefficiencies such as belt misalignment, unbalanced capacity utilisation or poor machine condition and notifies the machine or system operator.

With the rollout, all known services of the individual companies, brands and product ranges will now be brought together, expanded and supplemented under the umbrella of one app. “Ordering spare parts, performance monitoring, maintenance management – all this and much more will be possible in future for both our machines and our systems conveniently via the app,” explains Robert Eggersmann as Head of Digital Processes at the Eggersmann Group. “The app means significantly more transparency and process control for the customer. At the same time, we are also giving our service team a new tool with which we can take data-based measures at the customer’s request to increase their efficiency.” Eggersmann has also announced a range of other services for the app: online training courses are available via the app, as well as an application for calculating the space requirements for windrow turners. The app will use various process parameters to directly create a concept for optimum space utilisation and suggest the appropriate Eggersmann turner.

Automated Turning in Lanes

There is also a significant change announced within the Eggersmann turning technology itself. There will be a new generation of Backhus Con turners. Specially designed for biological drying and composting in membrane-covered lanes, the turners will carry out their work automatically in future. There will therefore no longer be a cabin. If required, they can be conveniently operated via a radio remote control. Furthermore, there will not only be turners for ten and six metre wide rows in future, but also one for rows of eight metres.

Continuous Fermentation and Biomass Shredder

The new Backhus Con generation is not the only innovation in the field of biological waste treatment: “As the Eggersmann Group, we ourselves operate various biogas and compost plants and are constantly looking for ways to optimise our own processes,” explains Rolf Liebeneiner, Sales Manager for Biological Treatment at Eggersmann Anlagenbau “In order to convert the Kompotec composting facility of our Eggersmann Group in Nieheim into a maximally efficient waste-to-energy plant, we have developed our own continuous dry fermentation process. Our process is characterised by a very high biogas yield and extensive automation. We offer it via Bekon.” In recent years, the Eggersmann plant engineering branch has realised a whole series of waste treatment plants with continuous fermentation in cooperation with other suppliers. Through Bekon, Eggersmann has so far offered a particularly robust dry fermentation process in batch operation. The process is even suitable for household waste. From now on, Eggersmann is the only supplier on the market, which offers both batch and continuous fermentation as well as plant engineering as general contractor. According to Liebeneiner, the decisive factor for the choice of the treatment method is always the best possible integration into the overall process. “We have an almost unique market position – particularly in biological waste treatment. From the shredder, the digestate mixer, automatic tunnel feeding, composting in windrows as well as lanes or tunnels to compost fine processing, we cover the entire process chain. We often even have several solutions. We can therefore advise in every respect and always design exactly what the customer really needs,” he continues.

In this context, Eggersmann has also expanded its range for the processing of biomass. Specifically, the product range of Brt Hartner has been expanded by a new shredder. This powerful single shaft shredder is specially designed for processing biowaste. “We are aware of an increasing demand for the stationary shredding of biomass – especially in connection with subsequent fermentation,” says Andre Berlage as Managing Director of Brt Hartner, explaining the decision in favour of the new shredder in the range. The machine is also used in Nieheim: “For continuous fermentation, the material is rotated into the fermenter via a plug screw. It has to be pre-shredded accordingly. Drawing on the experience of our colleagues from the Eggersmann GmbH, we have therefore developed this robust single-shaft shredder. With its finely segmented working area and 40 tools, it shreds flexible branches just as well as small citrus fruits,” describes Berlage the capabilities of the new machine. A special feature is the longer than average rotor shaft of 3.5 metres, which is the company’s response to the trend towards ever wider wheel loader shovels. Regardless of the actual width, this ensures quick and easy loading. In addition, the shredder has a 200kW electric drive for a throughput of over 70 tonnes per hour.

 Improved Solutions for Plastics Recycling

The mechanical processing of recyclable materials is also part of Eggersmanns main business. The Eggersmann Anlagenbau does not see the increasing use of chemical processes for plastics recycling as competition but considers it to be a useful addition: “The processing of mixed plastics into very pure fractions is crucial for the subsequent processing steps, such as chemical recycling. We assume that we will also have many interesting discussions in this topic at the IFAT,” says Gunnar Beyer, Sales Manager for Mechanical Processing at the Eggersmann Anlagenbau.

The company claims to be one of the leading international suppliers in the field of mechanical waste treatment. In fact, Eggersmann has finished two plants in the field of lightweight packaging processing alone in the last twelve months and has secured one of the largest projects ever. The company was commissioned by OMV and Interzero to build a plant in Walldürn, Germany. The annual throughput capacity is expected to be 260,000 tonnes. In comparison: the plant which has been completed in Belgium 2023 is designed for an annual throughput of 40,000 tonnes; the plant called ReSource for Quantafuel and Eurazeo in Esbjerg, Denmark, which was completed at the beginning of this year, is designed for 160,000 tonnes. ReSource is already the largest plant of its kind in Denmark and is intended to stop the country’s current export of plastics.

With Brt Hartner, Eggersmann will also provide information about the appropriate stationary machines. “With our BD bale dewiring machine and the BB bale breaker, we offer two key components for the efficient processing of lightweight packaging. Bales are playing an increasingly important role in the transport and storage of materials. Unwiring and breaking up these bales are prerequisites for any sorting process. In addition, we also have a specially modified bunker for film flakes, including a screw conveyor, in our programme. We would like to focus on such solutions for plastics processing at the IFAT,” explains Area Sales Manager Steffen Simonsen one main topic of Brt Hartner at the trade fair.

Consequent Upgrading of the Mobile Machines

The Eggersmann GmbH for the mobile machines, presented the electric shredders Forus F 38 E and Teuton Z 50 E on the IFAT 2022 for the first time. Both machines have now been successfully introduced into the market. The main innovation is electric mobility by means of a tracked chassis and a battery pack: this means that the shredders can be moved on the site by remote control without being connected to the power supply. With the Teuton Z 50 E single shaft shredder Eggersmann completed its range of emission-free alternatives. Electric versions of the Terra Select  and Star Select screening machines have been available for over ten years – the same accounts for electric versions of the Forus twin shaft shredders with hook-lifts. This completion of the electric range was followed by comprehensive upgrades for a number of product types. In 2023, the Terra Select T 60 with tracks ushered in a new generation of trommel screening machines. The new version now has a tracked chassis with slope compensation for consistent screening results. In addition, it can also use all standard competitive trommels in its performance class on request, which enables the continued utilisation of existing trommel stocks. The Airfix V 60 wind sifter has also been redesigned – it can now be conveniently placed on the floor next to the machine. At the beginning of the year, the Backhus A 45 to A 75 windrow turners also received a comprehensive upgrade, including a new cabin, a new lighting concept, new scraper units and much more. With the new generation of Backhus Con lane turners Eggersmann is continuing this line of further development consistently.

Source: Eggersmann


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