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New Head

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES


H2O from Steinen in Baden is delighted to have a new Head of Process Design: Fabian Argast, Master of Science in Chemistry

H2O from Steinen in Baden is delighted to have a new Head of Process Design: Fabian Argast, Master of Science in Chemistry, took over as Head of Application Technology in February 2024 – and is now looking for people to join his team.

Fabian Argast is no stranger to the company: He has been part of the esteemed circle of experts at H2O’s own application center for wastewater-free production for 5 years, for which he has now taken over the responsibility. “Our main task in Process Design is to find out which wastewater solution helps our customers the most.” This includes providing wastewater advice, examining wastewater samples, carrying out tests in the laboratory, identifying chemical and physical problems and working on solutions.

The fact that his colleagues are now his employees is not a big change for him. “I have already taken over the management of my projects before and set the procedures in the laboratory. I have worked closely with the previous management, carried out wastewater consultations, created wastewater concepts for customers, held webinars on the potential of recycling and, of course, advised colleagues from the Service, Sales and Engineering departments as well as partners on all chemical issues.”

What will change for him? “My schedule,” he laughs. “I’m now in an unusual number of management team meetings and have a lot of organizational tasks.” He is now also supporting the laboratory at the China branch and will be spending more time developing new innovations in the medium term.

His vision? “I want to play an active role with my department in reducing the company’s carbon footprint. I will take a close look at operating resources and focus more intensively on new innovations that can help reduce CO2 emissions.”

One of his first tasks as head is to build up his team. “I need a team that supports me in the exciting and varied task of Process Designer. I am open to young talent straight from university. People with knowledge of chemistry who are keen to learn about wastewater are desirable.”

Argast is looking forward to the new tasks and the future. He is certain that the topic of “water stress” will become increasingly present. Industries need to conserve water. “Reusage is becoming increasingly important and I will work together with my colleagues to ensure that more and more industrial companies succeed in taking the step towards a wastewater-free production!”

In the Picture: Fabian Argast.

Source: H2O

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