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Up to 40 Percent Faster Production Ramp-up

End-to-end Digital Twin for Machine Tool Machining

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES

Siemens, an innovation leader in automation and digitalization, and DMG Mori, supplier of cutting-edge machine tools for turning, milling, and grinding as well as for additive manufacturing, are presenting the first end-to-end digital twin for machine tool machining on Siemens Xcelerator.

Based on the Digital Native CNC Sinumerik One, the offering includes the digital twin of the controller, the customer-specific DMG MORI machine tool, and the workpiece and is available now on Siemens Xcelerator Marketplace.

A digital twin for machines enables improvements for meeting the challenges of sustainability, flexibility, and time-to-market. The digital twin helps prevent programming errors that cause scrap and damage to the real machine. It enables up to 40 percent faster production ramp-up, significantly reducing the energy consumption of the real machine.

The offer also helps minimize unproductive machine times by up to 75 percent. This is because the testing and running-in of programs is moved from the real machine to the virtual world.

Source: Siemens

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