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Intelligent Diagnostic Tool for Valves

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES


The web-based solution Sam Valve Management by Samson implements smart monitoring and management of control valves installed in process plants. It combines the traditional world of control valves with the digital opportunities made possible by Industry 4.0 and IIoT technologies.

Sam Valve Management gives users an overview of all connected control valves fitted with smart Samson positioners in a clearly structured dashboard displaying all relevant operating and diagnostic parameters. Malfunctions can be detected instantly. It also analyzes all data based on an extensive range of algorithms and suggests recommended action with illustrated step-by-step instructions. The data in Sam Valve Management can be synchronized by transferring data from commonly available process control systems or Samson’s Trovis-View software.

The diagnostic functions of the tool helps to increase the availability of control valves by predicting imminent valve failure and maintenance demands. Samson’s asset management service provides support in all matters related to Sam Valve Managment.


Source: Samson Group

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