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Multiple Machine Vision Functions in Real Time

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES


B&R's portfolio now includes a Smart Camera that combines multiple machine vision functions in real time. This should make it easy to implement sequences of process-controlled functions.

B&R’s integrated machine vision portfolio now includes a Smart Camera that combines multiple machine vision functions in real time. This should make it easy to implement sequences of process-controlled functions that would be costly and time-consuming to achieve with conventional smart cameras.

On a machine producing multiple variants of a product simultaneously, e.g., the Smart Camera only needs to capture one image to determine which variant it is looking at and check the printed label. One function provides the feedback needed for the subsequent function. Since the process variables of the machine controller are seamlessly integrated in these processes, decisions can be made in real time. Sequences of image processing functions can be extended almost indefinitely.

The developer simply connects the individual image processing functions in a visual editor. There is no need for time-consuming programming. Thanks to complete integration in the B&R system, it takes only minutes to set up and synchronize even complex tasks like picking products off a moving conveyor and sorting them into boxes.


Source: B&R

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