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Signal Lighting

Status Display Visible From Afar

by editorial staff WORLD OF INDUSTRIES


di-soric offers a broad assortment of robust and high-illumination of signal lights with all-round visibility RGB signal lighting

Single or multi-segment signal lights and signal lighting are a fixed component of efficient machine and plant designs. They serve the purpose of optical transmission of plant states such as machine utilization, fill level, process progress or as a warning in the case of emergency or service. di-soric offers a broad assortment of robust and high-illumination of signal lights with all-round visibility that is above average and multi-colored RGB signal lighting with and without IO-Link interface. Their use reduces errors and downtime and increases machine availability.

Signal lighting from di-soric is used in extensive parts of manufacturing, logistics, in filling and packaging systems, as well as in laboratory automation . The innovative multi-segment signal column from the SBT-RGB series is suited, like the compact dome-shaped multi-functional signal lighting from the SBP-RGB series, to display and transmit various plant states. All series are distinguished by the fact that they measurably illuminate more homogeneously and brightly than the offerings of most competitors. They are therefore highly visible even at great distances.

Without having to insert individual lighting segments, users simply assign via the IO-Link process data the desired color, brightness and flashing behavior to each segment. The compact design and high degree of protection (IP67) enable use in harsh ambient conditions. Alternatively, the operators can choose from eight predefined or user-defined presets via three digital trigger inputs. In the SBT-F multi-segment signal column, the colors per segment are already permanently assigned. Thanks to the presets, the signal lights and signal lighting can be used immediately.

Wherever all-round visibility is not required, the multi-segment signal lighting from the SB-RGB series from di-soric can assume tasks of visually transmitting various plant states. The externally flat signal lighting, which is available in five different lengths 95 mm and 870 mm, can be integrated flushly into the external housing of nearly any machine. With their large RGB lighting surfaces, they are easily visible and readable even from a distance. Via IO-Link, operators in this case can assign the desired color even in ongoing operation and decide on the blinking and flashing behavior. Whoever wants to dispense with IO-Link simply selects from eight triggerable presets.

Source: Di-Soric

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